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Not to spike our own signal about it, but we really love recording EEG. In fact, over 6,500 research & scientific citations have been published recording EEG with BIOPAC equipment. So, let’s think about EEG. Why do we love this signal and when should you be recording it? One strong reason: EEG is perfect for on the go research such as in the field studies or wireless recording of mobile subjects. Let’s dive into advanced applications of electroencephalography that researchers are using right now.

EEG is a powerful tool in the medical and research communities for measuring brain function and regional brain activity. The correlation of specific brain waves with sleep phases, emotional states, psychological profiles, and types of mental activities is the subject of thousands of scientific articles and citations. Several scientific journals are dedicated expressly to the study of EEG-related research, and what secrets this physiological signal holds. Since the discovery of EEG as a physiological signal in the 1920s, the scalp has been the traditional recording place of this signal. Flash forward several decades, and noninvasive surface EEG recording can be performed wirelessly on human participants, increasing subject mobility and freedom of motion.

Cognitive State Analysis

Multi-rhythm analysis is a very popular means to monitor subject fatigue, stress, confusion, engagement, and workload. These measurements are often taken as background cognitive state monitoring during experiments testing subject actions or responses.

Stimulus Presentation

Introducing an outside stimulus to measure deviance from baseline can produce significant findings when recording EEG, making stimulus delivery events a popular application for EEG recording.

Spectral Analysis

The power spectrum of the EEG indicates the power of each frequency component present in the source time domain waveform. For individual time epochs derived from EEG Signals, BIOPAC’s AcqKnowledge software estimates the power spectrum of that epoch to extract mean power, median frequency, spectral edge, and peak frequency.

ERP Analysis

Event-Related Potential Analysis consists of a workflow to present visual and auditory stimuli through one computer, while your data collection software records stimuli event markers (EEG) and psychological responses on another. This workflow is popular in EEG research as it aids in identifying similarities in different stimuli responses.

Evoked Responses

Evoked Responses include haptic, auditory, visual, and somatosensory evoked responses. Evoked Response studies typically measure response to stimuli and test multiple physiological responses, including but typically not limited to an EEG-based response.

EEG Filtering

EEG Filtering allows recording of single- or multi-channel montages with on-line calculation channels for Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta wave activity. Users can employ various transformations to filter the data off-line for further analysis.

The best way to run these specific advanced EEG analyses is with AcqKnowledge software, which can fully automate several of these functions. For more information on BIOPAC’s wide range of tools for recording, displaying, and analyzing EEG signals from human and animal subjects, including automated EEG analysis, seizure detection, evoked responses and many others, visit BIOPAC’s EEG Analysis page or view BIOPAC’s full line of electrodes, amplifiers, and wearable, wireless transmitters and loggers.

BIOPAC Systems, Inc. provides life science researchers and educators with data acquisition and analysis systems that inspire people and enable greater discovery about life. Visit us at


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